SWAG The Escapade

The fourth SWAG and also my last SWAG performance, probably my last time performing on stage. I mean, i don't think i will have the opportunity to perform on stage anymore once the working life starts. I am very , incredibly happy and satisfied with the committee this year. All of us knows what to do, what are our responsibilities and i am very satisfied. I couldn't ask for more of the outcome. It is really successful for me already. Could've been better i think but now, i don't really see any major things that could be corrected or adjusted. If i were to be given a chance to change something of the event, i would say, nothing i would want to change. There were some glitches here and there but we made it. We learned from the mistakes and solved it right there and then. I learned so much from this event. SO much that i need a few days to slowly digest it. Everything feels too good to be real. I thought i will doze off right when i hit the sack cause i was, actually still am, drained. But in the end, i was on my bed, rolling for 2 hours before falling asleep. I was trying to reflect and recall everything i've been through for the past months of planning and the 2 days of performance. Man, i am very touched.

I was especially touched when all of a sudden, so many of them approached me and started to say Thank Yous. They don't have to thank me. They are the one who should receive my thanks for all the effort and time they put in to practice. One of the girls approached me and said "I have to tell you something, I always think that you are very cool and Thank You". I didn't know what to say but to Thank her and hugged her for the longest time i could remember. I am still very, very touched on what happened after the event. Really.

The event wouldn't be successful without the contribution of each and everyone that was involved. I am really glad to be able to work with such great people. Nothing more that i can ask for. Nothing.

I don't know what else to write and what else to express but gratitude.

Thank you all for such great memories.

Grateful and blessed



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