That moment

You know when you have that moment where you just hate every single part of your body? - only apply to girls, i think. I had that this afternoon where i just came out from the shower, and looked in the mirror, and i hated everything, from the tip of my hair to my toes. omg. *never put the mirror next to the window-natural lighting sucks sometimes* It sucks as you can see everything so damn clearly. All the pimples you have on ur face, the blackheads on ur nose, the split ends of your hair and etc. You can just point out every single flaw you see and then ruin your mood for the day. I was there standing in front of the mirror hating the fats on my arms, my tummy, my thighs, well, basically my whole body. Very very bad. It has been awhile since I've had this cause before this i was just too busy with activities and etc. Now, i am just too damn free which is bad.

When a girl says she hates everything bout herself, it is true. Believe that. Me, a not so girly type of girl, i would say, pretty tomboyish type of girl face this moment once in a while. I would say other girls might have this more often than i do - from my point of view as what i heard from my other girl friends. Everyone will feel insecure bout everything they have - is it enough? have i gained weight? i still need to lose more fats and etc. No one can ever be content to what they have which has its good and bad i would say. Good in the sense that it pushes you to work harder to achieve what you want. Bad is when you put too much pressure on yourself to achieve the "perfection". There is definitely a thin line between pain and pleasure , so we have to work to find the balance of things in life. What is enough, what needs more and what needs less pressure. It is of course not easy to find the balance but it is up to us to judge of what is enough. 

I felt so bad looking at myself in the mirror, yes, my mood was definitely affected. Then i decided to "fix" it. When i saw the split ends, i applied coconut oil. Dry skin, apply coconut oil. Fats, walked my dog and did some house chores, sweat it out and worked out at night. There are of course ways to fix things- depends how much you want it. I can be content to how my body is now, but it is still not enough for me, i still need to lose more and when i see bit of results, it pushes me even harder to be consistent in working out.

I have also finally decided what to do during the holidays. Learn Chinese- recognise more Chinese words, watch more TED videos and read business news consistently to make it a habit. I will be stepping in to the finance world and business news are vital to keep myself updated on what is the market trend, how is the trend moving and etc. Many, many things to learn and since i have so much time to spare, i think i can do this. No, scrap the word think. I can do this! *inserts black biceps* heh.

alright, finished ranting.

grateful and blessed



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