
Being a millennial, not just millennials actually. Living in this connected era, everything becomes so much faster. Time seems like its flying by. All information is just at your finger tips. Literally.

All these made us becoming more and more impatient. We want things, now. We want to this, now. We want that, now. Everything, now! It's crazy. It's making me crazy!

Well, i have pretty much to relate to this and one day i realised that, i need to slow down. Slow.the.heck.down. I am only 22. Well, not for long now but oh well. Why am i rushing into things? Just stepped in to a new chapter in life-working life. And when i first started, my first day of work, i thought of why am i not in this and that department where i can grow faster and learn much more. That was just the first freaking day! Like, come on woman. Chill, dang it.

After the first day, i had a breakdown cause initially i wanted to enter another department so badly because that was what i always, always wanted. I would say, my only career goal, then. If I am in the department, i am set. I will be loyal and devoted and committed to this company for a long long time. But, things don't always turn out to what you want right? As usual, lol.

Anyways, so i had a breakdown on the first day. However, on the way home, i had a long drive and thoughts. I was thinking, why am i rushing into things? Maybe being in this current department is actually a good thing. Start from the core of the business and slowly build your portfolio. It'll be much easier for me to climb up the ladder because i know and understand the core of the business. Well, when given lemons, make lemonade right? So, i came to my senses. Got my head together and thought of a better plan.

And to be honest, i think my current plan is so much better than the previous. I mean, i believe in destiny and fate. Maybe some things are just not meant to be. Well, i am actually liking my current department. The colleagues are really nice people and i get to engage with them surprisingly well. And i have a good boss. That's all that i actually look for. A good company, good environment and a good boss. What more can i ask? Right?

I crafted a plan in my head and keeping my fingers crossed that things will go as planned or at least, as close as it can be to the original plan. If not, well, adapt to it and be flexible about it. When you can't change your surroundings, change your own plans, change yourself for the better to adapt. You don't aspect people to change for you. Only you can set your own path and nobody else.

Okay, this is getting a bit of a life lesson. Just want to share my random thoughts. Again. haha.

Well, time for bed! Work tomorrow and I am actually excited for it. Not joking.


Always grateful and blessed.


oh yea, always remember. "Good things come to those who wait."


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