Only the previous post where I spoke and asked some existential questions on why I am not proactive and driven to drive the products that we can launch anytime with the right brand name and packaging cause we have the products ready, just needed some work on some ground works to get things started. All of a sudden today, sort of out of nowhere that my sister asked if she can bring in her friend to help with the ground works i.e., brand logo and label designs including social media posts designs which I think is my weak point cause I have no idea , no background in designing and obviously I need a huge help in this area. Also cause my sister is a student and designing is a passion project, not a module that she has taken or taking in university, hence the speed with the designs and perhaps coming up with the concept and theme may not be on the right track cause obviously none of us has any background in marketing and advertising right.
Now, she has brought in her friend that is looking for an opportunity to build his portfolio and I thought, why the hell not? We grow together right, a win-win situation. He gets to add in to his portfolio , and we have a brand, a product to start selling. We wouldn't be sure how long term this would be or where it will bring us, may not even bring us to anywhere. But you wouldn't know until you start it. So all these, all of a sudden made me think of manifestation. Manifestation means transforming something theoretical to live. I have been thinking about starting this for quite some time now but didn't seem to go anywhere, somehow things just pauses midway. Perhaps we have priorities in life and working with family , sometimes you may not push each other? I am not sure. Perhaps with someone external now would ourselves accountable to get things going, to get the ball rolling. Cause without some external push, sometimes, you might even forgot the ball is there for you to push. I personally think adding someone in to the business truly helps. And I do very much hope to start this, for real this time.
I have watched many videos manifestation but never truly understand what does it mean. Could it be the universe , how strong your mindset is to make the stars to be aligned as introduced by the author that written the book "Secret". This book focuses on manifestation on how when you think positive, you will attract positivity, but what is the science behind this though? From my own logic , perhaps it's when you feel positive, you start speaking in a different tone, seeing things more optimistically and somehow things would turn out well. Have you ever been in a situation where, things just can't seem to go right? Like broke a glass in the morning, poured coffee on your shirt next and somehow another bad thing would happen right after. Is this manifestation? That your mind just automatically shifted or switches to attract negativity when you say or curse to yourself that "gahh, nothing seems to be going right today!!" Another example, as a recruiter, I speak to candidates all the time and sometimes, in a span of an hour, I get rejected by a few candidates one after another for a role that I was running. Somehow all candidates just decided to reject the role and is not interesting enough for them to share their CVs to. But sometimes, I do get a streak of yes-es from the candidates, agreeing with the role and very keen to get their CVs to be shared over to the client. Again, is this manifestation?
Now this brings me to another question, which is how soon or how quickly does manifestation works? Does is depend on how big or small the idea/ want is? The bigger the want, the longer it takes? But what is the level of want to be measured here? Is there a scale to the level of want to the duration for it to become real? Who knows right. Also, is manifestation real? I have not Googled this obviously. Hence, this question here. Is it real? I can't say for sure. I think I or anyone would be biased to this question. When things go right, obviously you would say it works , 101%. But what if things don't work out? Should we blame on this too that we did not manifest it long enough, or we didn't think about it hard enough to make it real. What is it right? Perhaps you could shed some light here on these questions cause today, I am curious with this topic on manifestation. Trust me, if it works, I have plenty of things to manifest on.. hahaaa
alrighty, that's all from me today!
always grateful and blessed
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