
Today is the day of chill. No plans for the day, a day to go with the flow. I thought about this a few days ago where, what is your meaning of success? Many wants to retire by so and so age. My question is why? what are you going to do next? What are you going to do in you're retirement? My mom retired from the workforce as early as in her 30s, after she gave birth to my youngest sister which is when she was 32? She retired in the age of 32. Many would kill to be in her position but being her daughter and from what she has shared with me made me not wanting to retire. I want to take a break here and there but not retire from the workforce completely.

My definition of being successful in career wise is to work because I want to not because I need to. I want to continue contributing to the society no matter how old I am- as long as I can contribute, I will. Be it charity, talks or whatever channel to share my experience. That's why I really admire Tun M. Being the oldest PM in the world. He's 92! I mean, I don't even know if I will live until the age of 92 but if I were to be able to stay alive until 92, I think I will be like him, to do what's right for the society. Of course him being the PM, he's able to save the whole country but for me, knowing that I probably won't be a politician, I will definitely contribute in other ways.

This is just a short post- just some food for thought.

Alrighty, time to read my new book that I am super excited about, Quiet by Susan Cain. Been seeing this book around but didn't get it cause maybe I wasn't in the stage to want to read it. Now after reading Grit, Mindset, Power of Kindness, it is now time for Quiet. What I want to learn from this book is to be silent when you are not required to talk. I want to learn to listen. Listening is what our world is missing now. When you don't listen, you don't learn. You won't be able to know what others would have to share and in the end, you won't know what you don't know. Hopefully I get to learn a thing or two from this book! Will updated you guys on this book.

Always grateful and blessed



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