I had a great night last night with my girl. She is another friend that i had a really good chat with. Someone that i can really click with and we have pretty same wavelengths on things. We updated each other on our lives so far and yeah, really love hang outs like this. I went out with another buddy the night before too. Been drinking for the past 2 nights and surprisingly my mom didn't say anything, that trust right there though. haha. Am supposed to hang out again tomorrow night but i don't know why, i don't feel like it. Seriously, don't have the mood for it cause the hang out will be at 5-7pm. Beer at that time is just, pretty off for me haha. I am still doubting to go or not. We shall see. I like night hang outs, beers at night is pretty nice, not when i can still see the sun. Very different from my usuals. haha.

Anyhow, we shall see tomorrow. Not been doing anything much these days, just hang out at home, spend quality time with my mom and read Little Women. I love the book. Such an easy read and really taught me some life lessons. It is about 4 sisters living with their mom, not rich, just an average type of lifestyle. They always wanted and envied girls who has better things- silk gloves, expensive gowns and etc. This book is still very relatable to us now. We will always want better things. That is human nature, to achieve better things in life as we grow but sometimes, we have to know our limits. The girls in the book wanted better gowns, expensive things that sometimes, they forgot about what is truly important to them which is love and family and priceless moments you will have such as small fight with your siblings and so on. And that hit me, well, i would say, sometimes, when you see girls at your age having branded things, you will want the same handbag, the same pair of shoes but in the end, is that what you really want? I have been through that phase till I realised that, all these materials can't give me what i really want, which is to cherish money-can't-buy experiences, such as heartbreak, happiness, moments with friends and family. Thus, i have now toned down for abit, haha. It is a process and i am willing to go through it. Of course, this does not mean that everyone should be like this, it depends on what are your goals. When you already have what you want, you will want/desire for something else. Different people will definitely have different priorities and for me, my current priority is to have fun with my family and friends. The branded stuffs, i will buy them when i can afford and when i think it's the right time. mmhmm.

I am not sure that i have told you guys this but my current, 2016 resolution is to stay single till graduation. haha. I know it sounds pretty silly but it is something that i always wanted without realising it. I love the moments when i was in a relationship but now, i am not and i would want to focus on myself and people around me. It is easier said than done but i have to be strong to reach this resolution. I have had dilemmas and so on but in the end, i cleared my mind and set my priorities straight and am pretty happy about it. *pats* haha

okay, i shall stop. it's getting boring haha.

grateful and blessed



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