I had a wonderful night last night. We went to Tamarind Hills for dinner to celebrate our friend's belated birthday. :) It is almost one month late actually haha. Well, everyone is pretty busy with work, well most of them are busy with work except for me as i am still studying, last semester baby! I had a grown up night. haha. Usually for university students, birthdays are usually celebrated in the club and make the fella drunk. But yesterday night, after the dinner, we went to our friend's place to have some wine and chill and we played Pandemic. A pretty intense game. You need to understand alot of information before starting the game. Definitely not as easy as like Scrabbles or Monopoly. It is not just any board games. haha. But you will understand it once you start playing it. I actually like the game. We stayed for a pretty long time there as he decided to bring out some Glenmorangies and Black label to 'teach' me to differentiate the different types of whiskies....