Confused. Again.

Why is she always confusing me. I was slowly opening myself to her but after what happened today made me curious, so curious that i don't even know if we are now friends anymore or back to ignoring mode. I really don't want the ignoring mode to happen but if that is what she chooses, i don't really mind cause i am already used to not having them around me anymore. So, it is back to the life without them. The thing i am confused about is, we chatted in whatsapp and everything seem so fine until i asked one question and she stopped replying me after seeing my message. Hmm. why? I don't even know. I know on Thursday night all of them hang out together and i asked if Aishah teased her and she said yes, but she ignored Aishah then Aishah stopped. Then when i asked, what she teased about, she stopped replying me already. I was like, hmm, why? Well, i didn't really care about it cause maybe she skipped my message. Then today at class, she sat with Aishah, well, i don't mind too. After the class ended, we walked towards the same exit and well, she pretended she didn't see me i guess, well, i didn't say hi and she opened the door to her friend and well me, i walked away. I mean, i am seriously tired of this 'game'. I really don't understand. Like i said, i am more than willing to help out and i did, i comforted her when she was having problem with her friends and now, is this how she repay me or something?

I don't really know. I think, for now, we shall see what is going to happen. I may be thinking too much but oh well, we shall see.

grateful and blessed though what happened



  1. yeah... i think she HERSELF is confused too... be strong baby!!! just let it be first =)


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