Double Standard

I don't really know what does double standard means until last night. I went to dance with Jon and friends then we went over to my place to grab some stuffs. When we left after that, Rachel messaged me saying that shouldn't i inform the group that i am going to bring friends over cause she was about to go for a shower until she heard a guy's voice and she was wrapped in towel. I was like, they are only there for awhile and they were in my room. Like seriously? Clearly you weren't here when he came over for lunch or something. Well i didn't inform the group that i am going to bring friends over before and why now? And the thing is, after i explained myself, she said i don't understand her point and she was like, you know what, it's fine. We are leaving anyways and it won't happen again. I was like wtf? Clearly we are leaving in a few days and if we still have a few months here, telling me to inform the group is fine with me but now? Even you said it doesn't matter anymore. What is the point of telling me then? Clearly you still grudge against me. Clearly we are still not good although you said you have passed that. Not only that, you know what, you don't, never keep your promises. You said let's go to the library to study during the few days of break before the last paper. I was very excited. But when you came back from London, you changed. I don't know why.

I am sick and tired of trying to keep this friendship. Why should i be the one who is trying hard when you guys don't even care? In the morning, when we took the taxi, you guys acted as if i was not around. The same thing happened when we were waiting for the paper. After the exam, i have decided that i don't and won't give a damn anymore. I have another group that is much better than you guys. Although we only gotten close like a day, they asked me to join them for clubbing, boat rowing and buffet lunch with them after my exam. And they adjust their time to mine. I am so touched. We went shopping together and i had fun. Lots of fun. hehe.

That night after the 2 papers, i went out with another bunch of friends. They were like when are you going back, i said, 6th and they were like OMG. Stay!! don't go so early! We will miss you! Promise us you will come back and visit us alright? I was so touched. Though we only knew each other for only a short while but it felt different. All of them couldn't understand why my flatmates did such thing to me. All of them said i am such a nice person. But oh well. Sometimes when you are too nice, you will be taken for advantage. That is what i learned from this. Don't be too nice to people whom will never appreciated what you do. But you wouldn't know until a fight happens. Right?

Yes, i was wrong but you think boycotting me is the right thing? i wouldn't walk to you guys trying to start a conversation anymore. No point in doing that. Seriously. I am done trying. And you know, karma hits fast. Rachel was asking Aishah why didn't Carmen come out earlier and the paper was so damn easy and bla bla. Deep down, i was like, come on, everyone's level of absorption is different. Then i went on Facebook that night and guess what, she made mistake for that paper! LOL. Okay, i am being mean but that's for her saying that. Seriously. I was annoyed when she said that. I just cannot take it. Oh well. Not gonna say anything much.

Okay, back to my Korean Drama.. hahaha and then study.. hehe

grateful and blessed



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