One more month

So, one more month to go. To buy thicker clothes for the cold weather, necessities and so on. I am trying to figure out what to buy. hmmm... I seriously have NO idea at all to what to buy and what to wear. OMG

Again, thinking of studying overseas for the first time is making me nervous and at the same time, excited. Crazy, I know. I just don't know what to expect. I know I have a few friends going there as well but not sure if I can be in their 'clique'. hahhaa. Should be alright, I guess. Reminder: Must not be shy.

There's so many things I would like to do there. Join their Dance Club, travel around China. Last but not least, study and improve my grades. I am pretty sure the study environment there is totally different compared to here. Right.....? *shrugs*

Well, my hair is done. Travel bag, done. I still don't know what to pack... Oh noes.

So, in this month, would like to spend as much time as I can with le boyfriend and friends. Hang out, chat, stay over, clubbing....(dunno) and travel with friends. :)

Gonna look for what to wear for Spring! :)




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