Great things
It is true that great things happen unexpectedly. Don't you think so? I was so busy with studies, SWAG, and social during the last semester of my university life. I was seriously just focusing on what i was doing and focus on bonding with my friends and family in the midst of finding myself. I know that it is pretty much cliche to say finding yourself or etc when you are single and so on. I think I have grown to care more of the people who really care about me. Before this, i wouldn't be as close or hang out as much with my friends cause i must admit, to many hang outs sometimes just tires me. I have learned to take it slow and your friends value the time you spend with them and it doesn't need to be a super long hang out or daily messages and what not. After the 3 years in uni, i have learned so much, i have grown so much as a person. I have fallen, and i got up from it. Keeping this safe is not how I want to live my life. I would actually challenge myself to get mysel...