
So the first week has passed and i have been having pretty great fun during the first week. Finally get to meet my dance friends, classmates and my new housemates! My housemates are really great people. Great and really really funny. On wednesday night, we had a wasted wednesday and well, that word explains almost everything already right? At first i thought they were joking but clearly they weren't. I was pretty excited cause it has been awhile since i drank, well, actually no, I drank last week with Daniel and his TDC Fam. It was really fun too. Just didn't really like the Never Have I Ever game. It was too sexually intense! I can't really take it. haha. While on the other hand, the Wasted Wednesday, a lot of people came and we hung out and chatted and our first game was ring of fire. LOL. I was like what? So fast? I wanted to play "F*** You" but too many people and we had just one deck of cards, so gotta give it a pass. Oh yeah, before that, we went to this ill...